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First Aid When a Child Vomit in the Night

     Infants and children often experience vomiting and was considered unusual because it will improve within a certain age. But if there is prolonged, it can lead to a variety of immune disorders, motor disorders and behavioral disorders in children.

     At the age of infant vomiting disorder often occurs while under the age of 3 months to more than 3-5 times per day. Vomiting symptoms gradually improved when over the age of 3 months. Over 1 year complaints vomiting still exist although not every day, usually happen at night which preceded coughing. After vomiting children sleeping soundly as not to crash.

     In the age of the children, the habit of vomiting is reduced, it will usually arise only when crying, coughing, laughing loudly or running, or while in a vehicle.

If the child has vomited in the evening, the following actions can be performed:

1. If vomiting caused by travel, wipe it with a cold and damp cloth on the forehead and face, then let it go back to sleep.

2. Place a plastic bowl or other container near the bed if you feel nauseous again.

3. If it is not vomiting, give cola or ginger ale.

4. If vomiting with blood or pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, immediately contact your doctor.

First Aid When Experiencing Vertigo Headache

     When experiencing an attack of vertigo, a person will feel incredible headache until the world seemed dizzy spinning alias. Before getting medical help, there are some first aid that you can do at home.

     People with vertigo usually difficult to stand up and move because they feel incredible headache, even often times accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There are people who repeatedly relapse vertigonya even when it was taking medication. Symptoms of vertigo can indeed be lost, but if left with no obvious cause then sought vertigo can be more severe.

When attacked by vertigo, do the following:

1. Give warm sweet drinks

2. If the attack is severe, may be given a sedative or anti-vomiting drugs

3. Search diagnostics and the exact cause. Symptoms of vertigo can be lost, but if allowed to get progressively worse.

First Aid If bitten Animal Rabies

Rabies has become epidemic in some parts of Indonesia such as Bali, Maluku and West Kalimantan. Rabies can be contracted from the bite of a dog, cat or monkey.

If anyone gets a bite from a suspected rabid animal, there are some actions to be taken are:

1. Immediately wash the wound with running water using soap or detergent.

2. Immediately brought to the health center or centers for rabies anti-rabies vaccine (VAR).

3. Continue to continue treatment with the examination.

4. Because the long incubation period of rabies, it took 2 weeks to see the results of vaccine injections are no symptoms of rabies.

5. If positive, it must again be repeated vaccine administration for 4 stages (starting at zero again, on day 7, day 14 and were given a booster vaccine at day-60).

6. It would be better if coupled with the provision of anti-rabies serum (SAR).

First Aid If bitten by Pets

     Pets such as dogs, cats or rabbits are relatively friendly to employers who maintain it. But sometimes pets can also bite. Dogs are more likely to bite than cats. However, cat bites are more likely to cause infection.

     Any of various diseases that are transmitted through the bite of many animals. So that if there are people around us who terkenan animal bites, at least we should be able to do something to deal with the condition.

First aid needs to be done if there is an animal bite include:

The bite in the form of minor injuries without the possibility of rabies

1. Wash the wound with soap and water.

2. Apply an antibiotic cream to prevent infection.

3. Cover the wound with a clean bandage.

In the form of bite wounds

1. If the cause wounds in the skin or skin badly torn and bleeding, press the wound with a clean, dry cloth to stop the bleeding

2. After the first act to stop the bleeding, then immediately contact the nearest hospital or doctor.

Bites that cause wound infections
If you notice any signs of infection such as swelling, pain, redness immediately contact your doctor or nearest hospital.

Bite wounds with suspected rabies
If the suspect is caused by animal bites that may carry the rabies virus, immediately wash the wound with running water mixed with soap or detergent. Immediately contact your doctor or nearest hospital.

First Aid If Body Less Oxygen At Up Mount

     Being in height with a little oxygen can lead to hypoxic conditions, ie when the body lacks oxygen supply. The mountaineers have to recognize the signs, and how to cope if you have these conditions, the blurred vision, faster breathing or wheezing, as well as the body becomes weak.

     Apart from the physical symptoms, hypoxic conditions can also be identified from changes in behavior. Under conditions of hypoxia, the brain will also be deprived of oxygen so that the mindset of a climber turned into a chaotic and difficult to make the right decision.

First aid when faced with this condition include:

1. Give oxygen. Small oxygen tube that can be carried anywhere very easily available in pharmacy at affordable prices, so there is no harm in the climbers equipped with this tool.

2. Loosen clothing so that breathing becomes more fluent. Open collar and removable belt so that the airways are not claustrophobic.

3. Take it to a lower location as soon as possible so he gets more oxygen from the air breathing. The longer is in hypoxic conditions, the greater the risk of organ damage because there was no oxygen supply

First Aid At Bitten by Venomous Snake

     When bitten by a snake, the first to do is to ensure the type of snake. If there is no trace of fangs, then certainly that is a venomous snake that bites its victims should get immediate first aid.

     Besides there is no trace of fangs, another hallmark of venomous snake bites is the emergence of pain accompanied by discoloration of the site of the bite within a few moments after being bitten. Within 10-15 minutes, the other accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, anxiety and sometimes shortness of breath.

First aid for snake bite victims are:

1. Do not panic. Not all snake bites can contain harmful, even though the bite is venomous snake species.

2. Reduce motion. Any unnecessary movement will only cause the venom to spread more widely through the bloodstream. Try to remain silent, as much as possible to use means of transport and do not walk to reach locations that provide first aid.

3. Wash the bite. If there is, use soap and lukewarm water to clean the wound as soon as possible.

4. Wash your eyes if contact could burst. Some species of cobras that live in Asia and Africa capable of spraying can kill without having to bite the victim. If these bursts of the eyes or other mucous layer thin, wash it with clean water.

5. Tie tightly around the wound area. Strong ties around the bite can prevent the spread of the poison to get further help. But for snake bites a poison or venom Derik is very strong, the risk of tissue damage at the site of the bite it will increase if tied.

6. Take it to the doctor as soon as possible. Serum anti-venom can be obtained at the health center or doctor's office. If in the course of the victim vomiting, place it in a sitting or lying position to ensure that vomit does not clog the airways.

7. Do not inject its own antidote. Antitoxin injection is needed immediately, but sebagiknya still done by a doctor or a skilled health worker. The presence of impurities in the syringe can sometimes even endanger the patient.